28 Jul 2021

The Crushers

The Crushers did The Crusher together, but the Crusher didn’t care. The Crusher is a sufferfest run by the sadist Todd Poquette and his 906 Adventure Team. This year’s slog was an “enhanced gravel” test of will, but we prevailed.

The Crushers, on the other hand, are four gravel and sometimes other bike riding buddies, with a common past or present in and around Gaylord High School. I’ll leave it there, other than to paste these widgets from Strava below showing how pitifully little we actually ride together.

The Crushers in their single moment of happiness.

For the 2021 Crusher, the Crushers began riding at 5am and finished 127 gravelly miles later around 9:30pm. Here are some pics but none of them are as good as this one:

Trail Boss
Vela the trail boss calling the shots at 4:58am. Note snorkel.